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Prudential No Exam Life Insurance: Essential Guide

Prudential Life Insurance Company, a highly-rated carrier, sells no exam life insurance online via their product called, SimplyTerm.

You might qualify with no check-up required, and coverage taking effect upon payment of your first premium.


Before you apply, it’s a good idea to learn the specifics of this type of policy in order to understand if SimplyTerm is indeed a good fit for you.

Note – Prudential’s no exam life insurance (SimplyTerm) is not available in all states. Click here for free quotes available in all 50 states.

Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about Prudential’s no exam life insurance in an unbiased format.

Table Of Contents

  1. Policy Overview
  2. Application
  3. About Prudential
  4. Next Steps

Prudential No Exam Life Insurance Overview

Important – Applicants do not automatically qualify for the option to skip the medical exam.

Keep in mind – This product is sold completely online via direct to consumer.


There are five key pieces of information to look at pertaining to any given (no exam) term life insurance policy.

  1. Wait time – how long will it take for my policy to be in force?
  2. Issue ages – what age range does the company accept?
  3. Policy amount – how much life insurance can I buy?
  4. Policy length – how many years can my term policy last?
  5. No medical exam – what does the underwriting process look like?

How does Prudential’s life insurance with no required medical exam measure up?

Wait Time

Typically, if you qualify to skip the medical exam (no physical), your Prudential policy is issued within a few days.

To put into perspective, some no exam carriers issue policies within minutes:

While others, similar to Prudential’s SimplyTerm, tend to take a day or two, or three:

Issue Ages

You must be between 18 – 50 years old to qualify for Prudential’s no exam life insurance.

Note – the maximum issue age for tobacco users who select a 30-year term policy is 45 years old.

Most no physical life insurance companies have a larger age range. In fact, you can be up to 80 years old and still qualify for a term no exam policy.

Policy Amount

Prudential’s SimplyTerm offers policies ranging from $50,000 – $500,000.

Also called face amount, Prudential allows you to adjust your policy in increments of $25,000.

How much coverage do you need?

While some coverage is better than no coverage, it’s best to conduct a needs’ analysis in order to determine just how much money you need to safeguard those you care about most.

Ask yourself –

  1. What is my annual income?
  2. How many years until I retire?
  3. What are the financial needs of my beneficiary?
  4. How much outstanding debt do I have?
  5. What is my monthly budget for living expenses?

Often, more coverage is needed than you might originally think.

Common face amounts for no exam life insurance include:

Note – there are carriers who offer larger face amounts without a required medical exam.

For example, John Hancock offers up to $3,000,000 in coverage without an exam – for those who qualify. Principal offers up to $1,000,000.

Policy Length

You can purchase a Prudential no exam policy for term lengths of 10, 20 or 30 years.

Read more on different term lengths:

No Medical Exam

What does Prudential’s SimplyTerm underwriting process look like?

No exam life insurance is an umbrella term used to describe various forms of underwriting that do not include a medical exam.

The most common forms of no exam underwriting include:

  • Accelerated – you must qualify for the option to skip the exam
  • No Exam – exam is always skipped, medical records may be pulled
  • Simplified – exam is always skipped, simple accept or decline process
  • Guaranteed – exam is always skipped, everyone is accepted

Prudential’s no exam underwriting is in the accelerated underwriting category.

What this means – you must qualify for the ability to skip the medical exam through a series of stringent questions.

Many do not qualify for accelerated underwriting.

Is avoiding the medical exam a must?

If so, focus on traditional no exam life insurance, and evaluate the best no physical life insurance companies.

Prudential No Exam Life Insurance Application

Remember, SimplyTerm is sold completely online.


Let’s take a look at the specific steps to secure a policy with Prudential’s no exam life insurance.

Note – this process only applies to their direct to consumer SimplyTerm policy.

Step 1

Get a quote.

SimplyTerm asks you to fill out their online quote form, first.

Upon completion, you will view your quote and agree to be contacted by a Prudential representative, or an independent life insurance agent, including AccuQuote.

Step 2

Apply online.

You will be contacted by a Prudential representative to complete your life insurance application.

Typically, the process is completed over the phone.

Step 3

Online databases verify your application information.

Common sources for information include:

  • Medical Information Bureau (MIB) – an online database of previous insurance applications
  • Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) – a report of your driving record
  • Prescription Database – a history of your current and previous drug prescriptions

Step 4

Based on your quote, application, and database checks, your underwriter will provide you with your next steps.

There are two possible outcomes:

1. Approved

Within a few days, you will receive an approval.

Important – coverage does not begin until your premium is paid.

2. More Information Needed

Prudential may choose to request more medical-related information in order to determine the best health class for you.

Your underwriter might order a medical exam.

Your policy’s issuance will be delayed until the proper amount of underwriting for your application has been completed.

Step 5

Policy issuance.

Prudential issues your life insurance policy when the following conditions are met:

  1. All underwriting is complete – may include a medical exam
  2. Payment of your first premium

Keep in mind – sometimes an application is declined, often due to health complications. If you find yourself in this situation, do not fret.

There are plenty of other life insurance options if traditional coverage is not an option for you. For example, guaranteed issue life insurance is issued with no health questions.

About Prudential

Founded in 1875 and based in Newark, New Jersey, Prudential’s history is long and rich.

For more than 140 years we have demonstrated that we know what it means to keep the promises and commitments we make.

– Prudential History

John Fairfield Dryden founded Prudential Friendly Society. The company initially sold industrial insurance to working-class people.

By 1989, Prudential had surpassed $2 billion in assets under management.

Today, Prudential sells financial products worldwide – including the United States, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Over 50 million customers exist in over 40 countries.

Financial strength rating: A+ (A.M. Best)

Interesting fact – In 1885, Prudential selected the Rock of Gibraltar as the company symbol to represent strength and security.

Next Steps

We recommend the following steps before submitting an application for a life insurance policy, whether it’s with Prudential or elsewhere.

Understand Your Needs

The best way to fully comprehend your life insurance requirements is to collaborate with an independent agent. That way, you’ll have full access to all of the top-rated carriers and receive multiple quotes.

In the meantime, you can start your own needs analysis:

  • What are the financial needs of those I care about most?
  • How much debt do I have?
  • What is my annual income?
  • When will I retire?
  • What financial goals do I have?

Know Your Options

Based on your needs, term no exam life insurance through Prudential could make sense.

However, know that other options exist as well –

  1. Term no exam life insurance
  2. No exam whole life insurance
  3. Guaranteed issue life insurance


Your best chance at a streamlined application comes with preparation.

Especially with traditional coverage, like term and whole, the more information you have on hand, the faster the purchasing process.

Gather the following –

  • Name, address, date of birth, social security number
  • Height, weight
  • Medical history
  • Medical history of blood-related parents and siblings
  • Prescription history
  • Occupation
  • Military status
  • Hobbies
  • Driving record
  • Tobacco status

Note – Prudential is an excellent carrier for military life insurance.

Start the process of finding the best policy to fit your needs by filling out our free instant quote.