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Ameritas No Exam Life Insurance [Up To $300,000]

Ameritas Life Insurance Corporation offers term no exam life insurance for up to $300,000.

Our products help protect what matters most. They are designed to be competitive over the long haul.

– Ameritas

Is Ameritas right for you? Possibly.

If you are interested in purchasing life insurance with no exam required, it is in your best interest to do a little homework before submitting an application.

Why? A number of top-rated carriers exist and you’ll want to find the best one to fit your needs.

Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about Ameritas – including a company and policy overview, the application process, quotes, and next steps.

Table Of Contents

  1. Company Overview
  2. Policy Review
  3. Living Benefits
  4. Application
  6. Next Steps

Company Overview


Originally called, The Old Line Bankers Life Insurance, Ameritas was founded in Lincoln, Nebraska.

In 1887, five local businessmen decided to open the company – because there was not a local insurance company at the time.

Ameritas is a mutual organization, meaning that the policyholders own the company, not stockholders.

Today, Ameritas has 3.8 million customers with $25.8 billion in assets under management.

Financial Strength Rating: A (A.M. Best)

Interesting fact – the American bison was selected as the company logo to represent a strong work ethic and Midwestern heritage.

Ameritas No Exam Life Insurance

Familiarize yourself with the five important features of term no exam life insurance from Ameritas.


Each no physical life insurance company is unique in the specifics of their term life insurance products.

Features of a no exam life insurance policy to consider:

  1. Wait time – how long you will need to wait until your policy is issued
  2. Issue ages – the age range the carrier is willing to insure
  3. Policy amount – known as face amount, the dollar amount of the life insurance policy
  4. Term length – the number of years your policy will last
  5. No exam – the specific underwriting process

How does Ameritas measure up?

1. Wait Time

Expect to wait about a week for a no physical exam policy from Ameritas to issue.

To compare, fully underwritten policies take, on average, about three weeks.

Keep in mind – there are some no exam carriers that offer coverage within minutes or hours:

2. Issue Ages

Ameritas issues no exam life insurance to applicants between the ages of 0 – 60.

Age 60 is commonly the cutoff for no exam policies for many companies.

Although, seniors do have life insurance options that skip the physical.

Read moreNo Exam Life Insurance For Seniors

On the other hand, if the policy is for an infant or child, be sure to explore all of your baby life insurance options.

Note – specific to term life insurance, some no physical life insurance companies offer coverage to individuals up to age 80.

3. Policy Amount

You can purchase $50,000 to $300,000 in term coverage with Ameritas and skip medical underwriting.

Occasionally, a $50,000 life insurance policy will meet your needs.

But, in most cases, you will need a larger face amount to financially protect your loved ones.

Many no exam companies offer $500,000 in life insurance or more.

Ameritas provides a helpful list of possible financial needs to assist in determining an appropriate amount of life insurance:

  1. Immediate expenses – funeral and medical bills
  2. Estate settlement
  3. Taxes
  4. Outstanding debts
  5. Mortgage balance
  6. Living expenses
  7. College tuition
  8. Retirement funds

The difference between your family’s immediate and future needs and their available resources is the amount of life insurance you need.

– Ameritas

It’s true that some life insurance is better than no life insurance. But, those who depend on you financially would benefit most from a face amount that covers all of their monetary needs.

4. Policy Length

Ameritas offers a number of term lengths to choose from:

Select a term length to will provide protection for as long as someone will depend on you.

In some cases, the need is permanent. Evaluate no exam whole life insurance if a loved one will always rely on your financially.

5. No Exam

Each life insurance carrier’s underwriting process is different.

For Ameritas, in order to qualify to skip the physical exam, you need to meet the following requirements:

  1. You must be between the ages of 0 – 60
  2. Your policy cannot be more than $300,000
  3. Be in at least decent health

Living Benefits

Living benefits are contractual provisions to a life insurance policy, in addition to the death benefit.

It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with Ameritas’ living benefits, or any carrier for that matter because they can make a huge difference – especially if you are diagnosed with a serious illness.

Ameritas has top-rated living benefits

At no additional premium cost, Ameritas offers three living benefits, also known as accelerated death benefits.

The owner of the life insurance policy may accelerate up to 90% of the policy’s death benefit.

You may accelerate the death benefit up to five times.

Terminal Illness

The insured must be diagnosed by a physician with a condition that will result in death within 12 months.

Further readinglife insurance with a terminal illness.

Chronic Illness

The insured must be diagnosed by a physician with, “severe cognitive impairment or inability to perform two of six activities of daily living for at least 90 days”.

Critical Illness

Qualifying critical illnesses include:

  • Invasive life-threatening cancer
  • Stroke
  • Major heart attack
  • End-stage renal failure
  • Major organ transplant
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Blindness due to diabetes
  • Paralysis of two or more limbs
  • Major burns
  • Coma
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Benign brain tumor
  • Aortic aneurysm
  • Heart valve transplant
  • Coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Waiting Period

Ameritas does require waiting periods for some critical illnesses:

  • Coma – 96 hours
  • Stroke – 30 days
  • Paralysis – 90 days

Important – the payor’s premiums are proportionally reduced after a living benefits payout.

Additionally, Ameritas offers the following riders, for an extra cost:

  • Waiver of Premium
  • Accidental Death
  • Children’s

Ameritas No Exam Life Insurance Application

Because each carrier utilizes unique underwriting steps, you will want to have a general understanding of the process before you start the application.


Step 1

With the help of an independent life insurance agent (that’s us), you can submit your application online or over the phone.

No need to meet face-to-face with an agent.

Step 2

An Ameritas representative will call you to conduct a health and lifestyle interview.

Expect about a 20-minute phone call.

Interview questions include:

  • Basic information – full name, citizenship, date of birth
  • Height/weight
  • Current medical conditions
  • Health history
  • Prescription history
  • Medical history of close, blood-related family members (parents, siblings)
  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol and/or drug use
  • Military status
  • Occupation
  • Hobbies

It’s important to know that some conditions or lifestyles may impact your ability to be approved:

Note – each applicant is unique and risk does not necessarily mean a decline for coverage. You will need to work with an independent agent to discuss your options.

Step 3

Online databases are checked to verify your interview answers and to seek further information.

The process is quick and typically includes the following:

  1. Medical Information Bureau (MIB) – a record of previous insurance applications
  2. Prescription history – a database of your prescriptions for about the last 10 years
  3. Motor Vehicle Report (MVR) – your driving record

Step 4

Your underwriter will review your application, phone interview, and online databases to determine if you qualify for Ameritas no exam life insurance.

Step 5

Application decision. If you are approved, you will be issued your term life insurance policy. Congratulations!

If, for some reason, you are declined coverage, do not fret. Plenty of life insurance options exist. A decline with one carrier does not mean a decline across the board.

Note – if you have a serious health condition, for example, you are a cancer patient, you will likely need to consider guaranteed issue life insurance.

Ameritas Term Life Insurance Quotes

Let’s consider sample rates from Ameritas to get a general idea of cost. Individual rates will, of course, vary.

Quotes below are based on healthy, non-tobacco individuals for 20-year term no exam life insurance.

Ameritas No Exam Quotes Male

20 year old$12.47$13.33$22.36$31.39
30 year old$12.86$12.30$20.30$28.29
40 year old$18.23$17.54$30.79$44.03
50 year old$32.64$31.82$59.34$86.86
60 year old$78.82$79.03$153.77$228.50
20-year term samples. Quotes based on healthy non-tobacco individuals.

Ameritas No Exam Quotes Female

20 year old$10.45$10.49$12.38$22.88
30 year old$11.44$10.92$17.54$24.17
40 year old$15.48$12.04$25.97$36.81
50 year old$25.63$25.71$47.13$68.54
60 year old$57.49$62.01$119.71$177.42
20-year term samples. Quotes based on healthy non-tobacco individuals.

Important – always consider multiple quotes before submitting an application.

Next Steps

Ameritas may be a great fit for you, especially with their superior living benefits.

Yet, it is worth your time to explore multiple life insurance options. We recommend taking two steps.

  1. Work with an independent agent. That way, you will receive multiple quotes from top-rated carriers.
  2. Prepare. Write down important information about yourself, including your financial needs, occupation and health history, so that your application process is efficient.