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No Exam Life Insurance With High Blood Pressure | How To Qualify

Almost 50% of American adults have high blood pressure. It’s the most common chronic health issue in the United States.

Thankfully, most life insurance companies have no problem issuing policies to those with the condition.

In fact, you may be able to qualify for no exam life insurance, even if you have high blood pressure.

Here, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to qualify for coverage with high blood pressure, including the application process, the best companies, and sample quotes.

Table Of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Application
  3. Companies
  5. Next Steps

No Exam Life Insurance With High Blood Pressure

It’s important to understand just how your high blood pressure factors into a life insurance application.

Why does hypertension affect life insurance rates?

In a word, risk.

Carriers evaluate how much risk any given applicant poses in order to determine how much their policy should cost, or if they should be approved for coverage at all.

How do life insurance companies view high blood pressure?

As you likely know, there are some serious complications associated with the condition:

Carriers rely on the medical community for gauging acceptable and concerning blood pressure readings.

Just like your physician will tell you, life insurance companies generally view blood pressure – artery pressure during and between heartbeats – in the following categories (source: Harvard Health) –

  1. Normal – 120/80 (or below, but not below 90/60)
  2. Elevated – up to 129/80
  3. Stage 1 hypertension – up to 139/89
  4. Stage 2 hypertension – up to 179/119
  5. Hypertensive crisis – more than 180/120

By asking you a series of health questions during the application process, life insurance companies will try to gain an understanding of just how much risk you have for developing these health risks.

Fortunately, many applicants with high blood pressure are still approved for life insurance with no medical exam required.

Apply For Life Insurance With High Blood Pressure

There are five key questions about blood pressure life insurance companies ask.

Important – always be honest. Even if you skip the physical exam, life insurance carriers look at your medical records during underwriting.

high blood pressure

Let’s take a closer look at the blood pressure underwriting questions asked during the application process.

Note – underwriting questions pertain to traditional coverage, like a 20-year term life insurance with no medical exam.

Plan to answer the following during your application’s health interview.

1. What is the date of your diagnosis?

Mark your calendar. You will need to share when you were first diagnosed with hypertension.

Why? Life insurance companies are interested in assessing risk. The longer you have had high blood pressure, the higher the odds of you experiencing complications related to the condition.

For example, recent high blood pressure as a result of a stressful event, such as a job change, tends to be viewed more favorably than lifelong hypertension.

2. Are you effectively managing your blood pressure?

Plan to communicate a history of your blood pressure readings – typically taken in a medical setting to verify their authenticity.

Underwriters like to see consistent, controlled readings from your physician.

The specific systolic and diastolic numbers make a big difference for the type of coverage you qualify for – and just how much your premiums will cost.

For instance, carriers will typically charge more for someone with Stage 2 hypertension than for Stage 1.

See: life insurance companies for hypertension.

Steady readings are important. Even if your blood pressure numbers are somewhat elevated, as long as they are similar, that is better than results jumping all over the place.

3. What medications are you taking?

You will be asked what, if any, medications you are taking to control your hypertension.

Interestingly, blood pressure drugs can be viewed in a positive light by underwriters – if you demonstrate they are helping manage your condition.

Different classes of blood pressure medication exist (source: American Heart Association) –

  • Diuretics
  • Beta-blockers
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Angiotensin II receptor blockers
  • Calcium channel blockers
  • Alpha-blockers
  • Alpha-2 receptor agonists
  • Combined alpha and beta-blockers
  • Central agonists
  • Peripheral adrenergic inhibitors
  • Vasodilators

In general, underwriters will accept the varying types of hypertension drugs.

4. Do you have other medical diagnoses?

It’s not unusual to have additional health conditions alongside high blood pressure.

Additional diagnoses often impact your life insurance application.

Remember, you need to be straightforward with your health status. Your health records are reviewed even if you apply for life insurance with no exam required.

Common medical complications related to hypertension:

5. What is your lifestyle like?

Again, underwriters are looking for indicators of risk and evidence of positive lifestyle choices.

Specific to your hypertension, you will likely be asked questions, like:

  1. Do you use tobacco products?
  2. How is your diet?
  3. Do you have healthy methods for managing stress?
  4. Are you regularly exercising?
  5. Have you been diagnosed with anxiety or depression?
  6. Do you drink alcohol or use drugs? (note: excessive drinking carries underwriting red flags)

Bottom line – Be prepared for the health interview and be honest.

Best No Exam Life Insurance Companies For High Blood Pressure

No two life insurance carriers are the same.

That’s why you will want to compare the top-rated no physical life insurance companies before submitting an application.

Consider the following carriers if you have hypertension:

No Exam Life Insurance Companies For High Blood Pressure

CompanyMedication AcceptedPreferred BestPreferredStandard PlusStandard
AssurityYes; but not for Standard PlusNANANo treatment allowedAccepted; treatment allowed
FidelityYesNANANAAccepted; depends on number of medications
Nassau ReYesNANANAAccepted
SagicorYes; but not for PreferredNAYes; depends on interviewNAAccepted
*Subject to change.

Keep in mind, if you are open to potentially taking a medical exam, there are additional carriers to consider.

The following companies use accelerated underwriting (AU). AU means that, depending on your answers to the health interview, a physical exam could be ordered.

Note – some carriers, like Principal, take age into account and accept higher blood pressure readings if you are older.

No Exam Life Insurance Quotes With High Blood Pressure

Before considering the sample quotes, you should know that each application is entirely unique.

Especially if you have multiple health conditions or lifestyle risk factors, speak to an independent life insurance agent to gauge how much a policy will cost you.

Generally-speaking, quotes can be categorized into two sections: no medication and treated with medication.

Keep in mind, for the best rates, you must demonstrate good management of your blood pressure, regardless of if you are on medications.

Let’s consider a 10-year no exam life insurance policy for $250,000. Rates are for non-smokers.

No Exam Life Insurance With High Blood Pressure Male

AgeNo MedicationMedications
*Subject to change. Non-tobacco rates.

No Exam Life Insurance With High Blood Pressure Female

AgeNo MedicationMedications
*Subject to change. Non-tobacco rates.

Important – There are varying age cutoffs for no exam life insurance. If you are older, evaluate all options for no medical exam life insurance for seniors.

Bottom line – quotes are merely samples. Your specific health history and lifestyle determine the best company to apply with and what your premium rates will be.

Next Steps

Plan to do two things in order to secure the best rates you qualify for.

1. Document

Grab a piece of paper and jot down the following:

  • Physician’s name and number
  • Most recent blood pressure readings
  • Tobacco status
  • Other health conditions
  • Medical history of close blood-related family members
  • Lifestyle information (diet, exercise, stress management)

2. Needs Analysis

Most importantly, your life insurance policy should match the financial needs of those who depend on you.

  • Annual income
  • Years until retirement
  • Monthly costs (bills, utilities)
  • Debts (mortgage, credit card, student loan)
  • Charitable giving
  • Financial plans of loved ones

To get started, we recommend filling out a free instant quote.