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[How To Buy] Life Insurance After An Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

Each year, about 20,000 women in the United States get ovarian cancer.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

When you have encountered a serious health complication, like ovarian cancer, it’s common to consider your life insurance needs.

ThankfullyCancer patients buy life insurance all the time (survivors, too).

Here, we’ll cover life insurance and ovarian cancer in its entirety – including the questions you will be asked about ovarian cancer and life insurance underwriting -so that you can purchase the best policy you qualify for.

Table Of Contents

  1. Ovarian Cancer and Life Insurance
  2. Questions Asked
  3. No Exam Policy
  4. Apply For Coverage

Ovarian Cancer and Life Insurance


Cancer originating in the cells of the ovary.

Can I Buy Life Insurance If I’ve Had Ovarian Cancer?


The specific type of policy you qualify for is dependent on your unique experience with ovarian cancer. Tiy

What If My Ovarian Cancer Was Advanced?

Generally speaking, if your cancer was diagnosed at an advanced stage, you will have fewer life insurance options than if it was diagnosed at an earlier stage.

Likely, you will need to look at guaranteed issue life insurance.

Also called guaranteed acceptance, this type of policy is issued with zero health questions asked. It’s best for those, and we mean this in the nicest way, who are otherwise uninsurable.

Ovarian Cancer Questions Asked By Underwriters

Ideally, you’ll want to be prepared for your life insurance application.

Underwriters evaluate the risk any given applicant poses and it’s best to have a heads up on the specific ovarian cancer questions they will ask you.

Important – Be upfront and honest during the underwriting process. When you are forthright, you increase your chances of securing a policy quickly.

ovarian cancer
Subject to change.

1. What was the date of your ovarian cancer diagnosis? How old were you?

Date of diagnosis?

In almost all cases, the more time that has passed since your diagnosis, the better. Why? Underwriters will want to see evidence of your ability to remain in remission. The longer it has been since you were diagnosed, the higher the likelihood of successful cancer treatment.

How old were you?

Ovarian cancer can occur at any age but is most common in women ages 50 to 60 years.

Mayo Clinic

Interestingly, women diagnosed before the age of 65 tend to fair better. Underwriters will ask your age at the time of diagnosis as part of their evaluation of how much risk your ovarian cancer poses.

2. What was the type of ovarian cancer?

Underwriters will ask you about your type of ovarian cancer.


By far, the most common type of ovarian cancer. Epithelial cancer begins on the outer surface of the ovary.

Germ Cell

Ovarian cancer originating in the cells that produce eggs.


Ovarian cancer that begins in the structural tissues responsible for producing estrogen and progesterone.

3. What was your ovarian cancer stage?

Consider this question important. Your specific stage is a primary determinant in evaluating what type of life insurance policy you qualify for.

While each applicant is unique, typically underwriters will evaluate cancer stages similar to the following:

Stage 1

Cancer is contained within the ovaries.

Best case scenario for life insurance approval. Plan to wait at least one year after remission to qualify for traditional life insurance.

A traditional policy includes:

Stage 2

Cancer has moved beyond the ovaries but is still within the pelvis.

You will need to wait longer for traditional life insurance, often at least 3 years after your last treatment.

Keep in mind – some applicants diagnosed with Stage 2 ovarian cancer will not qualify for traditional coverage.

Stage 3 and Stage 4

Stage 3 – Cancer has spread to the abdomen.

Stage 4 – Cancer has spread to distant organs beyond the abdomen.

At Stages 3 and 4, you will need to evaluate a guaranteed issue policy. Unfortunately, underwriters consider the risk too high for a traditional policy.

Keep in mind – While guaranteed issue policies are modest in size, they are a form of permanent coverage with cash-value. And, most importantly, some life insurance is better than no life insurance.

4. What form(s) of treatment did you receive?

Thankfully, there continues to be advancements in the treatment.

Plan to disclose the types of treatments you received:

  • Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Drug therapy
  • Other, including clinical trials

Your underwriting is interested in the forms of treatment you received, how successful they were, and what side effects you encountered.

5. What was the date of your last treatment?

Be sure to know the date you finished treatment. Or, if you are still undergoing treatment, plan to share the scheduled timeline of treatments your doctor has given you.

Your date of completed treatment is important to determine if you might qualify for traditional coverage. Most carriers have required “wait times” for cancer survivors.

For example, if you were diagnosed with Stage 1, you may be required to wait 1 year after treatment to qualify for coverage.

6. Are you attending follow-up appointments with your doctor?

Your underwriting would like to see responsible actions. If you are going to follow-up appointments with your oncologist or doctor, it indicates that you are taking your health seriously.

7. What is your remission status? How is your overall health?

Are you currently in remission? If so, for how long?

Remember, you must demonstrate that you have been in remission for a certain period of time (depends on the carrier and your diagnosis) before you can possibly be approved for a traditional policy.

Conversely, be sure to communicate if you are still undergoing treatment. Current cancer patients will only qualify for guaranteed issue.

Further, plan to share your overall health and lifestyle. Some factors increase your risk for ovarian cancer, including:

No Exam Life Insurance For Ovarian Cancer

Cancer patients and survivors buy no exam life insurance all the time.

Keep in mind, however, you will want to assess the top no physical life insurance carriers before applying because each company views cancer differently.


Depending on a number of factors, cancer survivors may qualify for traditional no physical exam life insurance.

  • How long you have been in remission
  • Stage and type of ovarian cancer
  • Current health status


If you are currently receiving treatment for cancer, the only type of no exam policy you will qualify for is a guaranteed issue policy.

Apply For Life Insurance

Ovarian cancer patients and survivors need to do two things in order to find the best policy they qualify for.

  1. Work with an independent agent – Especially after a health complication, you’ll want access to multiple carriers and multiple quotes. An independent agent has your best interest at heart.
  2. Document your medical history – You will need to be ready to answer the important underwriting questions.

To start the process, simply fill out our free quote.